Saturday, July 5, 2008

PE Staff Out and About

The studenst at Upper Hutt have to wear uniforms to school and some days they get what's called a 'muffti' day, which is that they don't have to wear uniforms. There was a muffti day during the last week of school but it had a theme of uniforms from other places (McDonalds, nurse, or sports uniforms). Kathryn, who is pictured below with me, thought the girls of the PE department should wear Netball uniforms and then throughout the day whenever we walked past each other we had to play defense. Here are a few shots of us out on the courts after school:
(The headband says 'G Unit' on it- goes well with the specs)
Michelle, Kathryn and I passing the ball around.
Our department went out that night to celebrate the end of the term, and give myself and Kathryn (she's decided to take some time off from teaching) a proper farewell from Upper Hutt College. It was a good night with bowling, dinner at an Ale House and then bars and what have you in the big city.

We started out at a very nice bowling alley. It wasn't in the 1960s condition that average bowling alleys are in. It had high class TVs, great lighting to distract the uncoordinated bowlers, and what I was most impressed with were the shoes! They were in new condition and didn't have the heinous neon colors that we normally get.

As you would probably guess, I did win the bowling game with a stellar score of 136. It wasn't the best game ever played but it was good enough to beat my coworkers! :)

Kathryn upset about how poorly she bowls.

And me trying to teach her some skill.

After the game we went to Speights Ale House, which was really nice but had very few vegeterian options amongst the array of steak variations! The department presented me with a little gift - they got me a bottle of wine and a perfect T-shirt. It says 'I [heart] NZ'. I've been looking around for a shirt like this, but they were all too cheesey, but this one is great!! I'm so happy about it.

Here are the boys at dinner - Willie's side face, Brad, Jono and Adam down at the end.

And the girls - Fiona, another student teacher, Sue, a veteran teacher and Michelle.

Adam and I striking an intellectual pose.

During dinner a few people confessed their enjoyment for Karaoke, so we decided on going into Wellington to a good karaoke bar. Unfortunately, my karaoke skills are not as good as my bowling ones so I wasn't looking forward to any peer pressure I was about to get to have me on the stage and sing a number.

We headed into town and took over a completely empty bar. I got to introduce the Kiwi's to a drink called a Touchdown (for those of you that don't know what is either, it has a pint glass half full with Red Bull and then you drop a shot of Absolut Mandrine in it and chug it down). Everyone seemed to enjoy it so I was happy!!

I believe everyone sang at least one song while we were there. Fiona made a bad decision by picking 'November Rain' by Guns N Roses and not knowing the words.... unfortunately I was near the stage and she dragged me up there to help her out. Everyone else did quite well though! I think the winner was Adam with a very good job of Lionel Richie's 'All Night Long' song.

We all had a great night! It was a really good way to go out and celebrate with everyone!!

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